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                                                                           ORIGIN OF REFLEXOLOGY

Reflexology grew from traditional Chinese medicine, originating in China several thousand years ago, which included acupuncture, acupressure and holistic massage.
In traditional Chinese medicine, it is thought that energy or ch’i, travels through the body via invisible pathways or channels and that when this energy becomes stale or congested, it becomes the source of illness or infection. Freeing the negative energy allows the body to re-balance and stimulate its self-healing potential.

The ancient Chinese eventually identified 26 meridians - pathways or channels - in the body through which energy flows and these are accessed by inserting needles or applying pressure to specific reflex points.

Modern or Western reflexology is attributed to Dr W. Fitzgerald, an ENT surgeon from the USA in the early 1900s and Eunice Ingham later, whereby the feet were ‘mapped’ to represent the entire body.

Foot map, showing locations of some of the body parts.

Ingham then devoted her life to sharing her knowledge of reflexology by giving public talks and demonstrations across the USA. Most authors and teachers have derived their basic knowledge of foot reflexology directly or indirectly from her teaching techniques. The Ingham Method forms the basis of many modern forms of reflexology.

Longitudinal Zones are attributed to Eunice Ingham, whereas Transverse Zones were later developed by 
Hanne Marquardt, a German student of Eunice Ingham.

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